Hosting your website in 2023.

In today’s digital age, where everything is becoming online, having a secure hosting provider has become more important than ever before. The internet has brought with it numerous benefits, including the ability to conduct business transactions, store sensitive...

Happy New Year! security challanges for 2023.

As a small business owner, security is likely a top concern. With the constantly evolving threat landscape, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest trends and challenges in security. Here are some key security challenges that small businesses may face in...

Importance of SOC and SIEM in your Business

Introduction SOC stands for the security operations center. It is an asset used to monitor, identify, investigate, prevent and respond to cyber threats. The responsibility of the SOC team is to monitor and protect the company’s assets like intellectual property,...

the state of Ransomware 2021

The state of Ransomware 2021…  Without the download Ransomware is the 6 trillion dollar problem.  This year is only half over but reports expect ransomware to grow from three trillion dollars in 2015 to six trillion dollars in 2021. We’ve had the Colonial...

Ransomware 2020

More than 7 times.  That is the number that multiple anti-virus companies are reporting that year over year ransomware attacks are increasing.  from 2019 to 2020 we are seeing an increase of 715% (according to Bitdefender mid-year threat landscape report 2020)  Here...