Another month of Covid is behind us as we take in another month of being closed. I should be using this time to write more blog posts but it’s been a whirl wind. This post is going to be geared more towards our local people here in Sacramento and Placer counties. I hope to share with you some resources, and get some ideas from you guys how you are getting along, and how things are working for you. What is working and what isn’t working during these tough times for Covid-19?

First, I wanted to share the website this is geared more towards the entire state. It has a tracking counter that includes tests, deaths, cases. It talks about the latest news which we hav eto stay kept up on as a community and especially as business owners. Each City, county, and state is issuing specific orders and it’s almost impossible to keep up with them.

Second, it’s the same website but it allows you to drill down into your county, and what activity you are looking for (or what business you own) to get the latest information there.

Third, get involved virtually with your local chamber of commerce. Local chamber of commerce strive to act as a catalyst and community partner for small business owners. the Advocacy to your business is invaluable and should be flexed. The more signatures, the more people involved with it the more powerful they are. Below are a list of local chamber of commerce websites to stop you from needing to do a 3 second google search. My apologies if I missed one but you can google it.



I really would like to take my Hat off to the CEO’s and workers of these chambers.  They have been nothing but amazing keeping us informed, listening to where our struggles and trials are,  going to bat for us to the local governmental agencies.  I would really encourage you to find your local chamber and even if you don’t join look at their websites and see how they can help you.

Lastly I’d like to take a moment to talk about the nonprofits that have lost a lot of their funding that do such amazing and needed work.  As well as the restaurants, and event centers, and gyms and other businesses that have been hit so hard. finished their beautiful new events center in February of 2020.  Just in time to close everything down.  Some of my favorite resturants have been shut down, or now are only doing take out orders.  Gyms have been forced to close.  How can we help our favorite companies?  Ask them on social media!  Call them!  They are staples in our community.  Just that shout out on twitter can give a small struggling business some courage to continue on for another week or two.

Lastly, I know we are all using technology to make business work.  If us as Vision Quest can help you please reach out to us, we’ll help in any way possible so we’re all around better and stronger in the future.  A strong community is good for everyone.  If you would like a free chat with a technology guru please just reach out to us.  Questions about internet phones, or desktops, or remote workstations, or cloud options.  We won’t try to sell you anything, we’ll just give you the solid facts and you can decide what you’d like to do from there.

hope to see you at the other end of this Covid-crazy-2020 stronger than ever.  If there is anything we can do to help this happen please reach out.