Office 2007 reached end of Life On Oct 10th 2017, meaning no patches, security updates, upgrades, new features etc.  We have had many clients already experiencing problems in outlook 2007 which now we know 100% are not going to be fixed or addressed.

On top of that, Microsoft Office 2007 will no longer work with office365 (our email of choice) starting November 1st (like 10 days!) if you know you have a machine running Outlook 2007, please reach out to us for other options.  Outlook 365 isn’t going to allow the old authentication starting November 1st that outlook 2007 uses, to connect to mail servers.  The newer security that is required by office365 (MAPI) actually helps with connections issues, lag, and slower sync times.  So there are benefits to you immediately if you are using outlook 2007!  For your reading pleasure HERE is the documentation about Microsoft office 2007 end of life.  And HERE is the link explaining about Office365 no longer working with outlook 2007.