Malware: adapting to the times

I have a confession to make, I am one of the few who liked Microsoft Security Essentials for windows 7, the antivirus put out by Microsoft. Now with Windows 10, it’s even better! Correct? Unfortunately we at Vision Quest say no. While malware, rootkits, Trojans, spyware, viruses, and the latest variant Ransomware have continued to evolve, Windows’ protection has not. For example, the Rakhni trojan has a smart enough artificial intelligence it can DECIDE if it should install ransomware on your poor machine, or a cryptocurrency miner. (bitcoin mining) with bitcoin prices skyrocketing, it has become a new menace in 2018.

How to keep your business or personal computer safe? Through higher levels of protection that also adapt. Including but not limited to, advanced backups (that can restore multiple file versions before a ransomware infection hit quickly) state-of-the-art training and testing for your employees, (9 out of 10 security breaches are not from sophisticated hacking, but from human error) and of course, adapting and cutting edge security packages that use threat intelligence to keep you in control.

VQIS is a partner of MANY exceptional companies and products to protect you, and your business. Please reach out to us today for a free evaluation, or just some free advice.